Back Pain

Your back takes a lot of wear and tear over time. Days spent sitting, poor posture, heavy lifting, sports injuries, and even pregnancy all contribute to the stress onyour back. In fact, back pain is one of the most common reasons individuals see a doctor and is the leading cause of disability in the world. Almost everyone will experience some type of back pain in their life. Because your spine is so important to the structure of your back,even minor damage can result in serious pain often accompanied by limited mobility.

For many, back pain can be prevented oreffectively managedby incorporating regular exercise to increase abdominal and back muscle strength and flexibility inthehips and upper legs. Our team of physical therapists can work with you to determine a plan that is ideal for your lifestyle.


  • Shooting or stabbing pain
  • Pain that shoots down the leg
  • Muscles aches
  • Pain that increases with bending, lifting, standing, twisting, or walking
  • Pain that may decrease with changes in position


Risk Factors

  • Excess weight
  • Lack of exercise
  • Smoking
  • Improper body mechanics or lifting techniques
  • Poor posture when sitting or standing


  • Evaluation by an orthopedic surgeon or interventional pain specialist
  • Description of your symptoms and medical history
  • X-ray to show potential broken bones, misalignment, or arthritis
  • MRI or CT scan to show potential soft tissue damage or pinched nerves
  • Electromyography nerve studies to identify potential nerve and muscle damage

Treatment Options

  • RICE therapy: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and other non-narcotic medications for pain relief
  • Physical therapy 
  • Exercise
  • Focused injections
  • Surgical repair may be necessary if nerve damage or compression is detected. This is typically associated with leg pain, numbness, and muscle weakness.