
Whiplash occurs when the muscles in your neck suffer a strain because of a rapid movement backward and then forward. The sudden motion causes your neck’s tendons and ligaments to stretch and tear, resulting in whiplash.

Whiplash results when the muscles and ligament in your neck extend beyond their typical range of motion. Symptoms might not appear for a while, so it’s important to pay attention to any physical changes for a few days following any accident.


  • Neck pain and stiffness
  • Headaches, at the base of the head
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision


  • Car accidents (most common)
  • Being punched or shaken
  • Contact sport
  • Falls in which the head jerks backward
  • Blows to the head with a heavy object

Risk Factors

  • Participating in sports such as soccer, volleyball, basketball, or ballet dancing
  • Sudden increase in length or intensity of exercise
  • Exercising or maneuvering on slippery or uneven ground
  • Wearing improper shoes that do not provide adequate support and stability
  • Previous sprain and strains may increase your risk of repeat injuries and general instability
  • Poor physical condition
  • Excess weight


  • Physical examination to evaluate the condition.
  • X-ray
  • MRI or CT scan may be used to determine more details about the injury

Treatment Options

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications for pain relief
  • Physical therapy
  • Immobilization such as a foam collar